For one of the first times, I was reading the words that felt like they were written specifically for me, and how I was feeling about my identity and my needs as mother, partner and woman. It was emotional, inspiring, at times overwhelming, and most of all, reassuring. What Renée wrote and what my friends and I shared spoke to the fact that we all felt at a loss at times and our cup empty. Giving everything we had to our children, often times our partner, and many times our school and work responsibilities meant we felt depleted and drained at the end of the day (or many times, the start of the day when we should have been feeling refreshed and ready for the day!).
We worked through the chapters, broken down into a month's topic filled with journaling and assignments, coming back together to share intimately how we were feeling about life and our journey to feeling whole, healthy and renewed.
What a gift it was to hear from other women in my life that they were feeling many of the same things I was experiencing! I wasn't alone, and my feelings were validated! It was okay to love my children but wonder why it felt so hard and challenging. I wasn't alone in feeling my emotional, physical, mental and spiritual needs were often neglected in order to tend to the needs of my growing family.
This Sunday, September 13, Olive Tree Birthing and Molly Mendota are hosting Mothers' Circle. Molly will lead the Circle in conversation surrounding identity and self-care in pregnancy and motherhood. Expectant women and mothers will gather together in comfortable space, with room to say "this is really hard", "this is not what I expected", "I love being a mom, but I feel like I don't know who I am anymore," and so much more. Being with other women, in real life and not virtually, brings a different level of support in your journey. Join other women, find your community, and discover how to move through your journey feeling more supported, whole and healthy.
To learn more or to register, contact me at 812-219-6177 or [email protected]