My husband and I took two classes with Amy in preparation for the birth of our twins. Both classes were very informative, helpful and supportive in helping us navigate this new aspect of life. I think Amy did an amazing job of helping to take some of the mystery out of childbirth, and helped those of us participating feel more grounded in what and how to prepare for such an experience. I appreciated the different scenarios Amy presented such as birth at home, the hospital, vaginal delivery, c-section, pain meds, no pain meds, helpful positions, ect. as it helped me feel less intimidated by the plethora of possibilities that could happen on the day of delivery. I also found the "Coping with Labor" class particularly helpful. Going through the different laboring positions was very helpful for myself and my husband, and helped us feel more prepared overall.
I also want to add that while my delivery did not go the way I wanted, I want to credit Amy with empowering me to stand up for myself when it came to interacting with hospital staff. When I was admitted, the first thing someone tried to do was tell me I had to put on a hospital gown, but thanks to Amy's classes, I knew better :) I got to wear my own clothes during my stay, and that helped tremendously with my comfort level!
I highly recommend Amy's classes and know that if my husband and I ever decide to have more children, we will sign up for Amy's classes once again. ~M, Bloomington, IN
I found it most useful to have a supportive space in which to voice concerns/stressors/feelings about the laboring process and have questions answered in a non-judgmental way. I really enjoyed sharing the space with other expecting parents and receiving their support as well.
I also found it very useful to have all the facts available about different kinds of laboring (epidural/non-medicated/cesarean) and how to advocate for myself appropriately. I really enjoyed the activity in which we responded to hypothetical interventions that the medical team might suggest. I also appreciated the inclusion of my birthing partner and his needs. The foundational needs activity around laboring and postpartum was also very enlightening.
I would certainly recommend both the coping in labor and childbirth education courses to other pregnant people and birth partners. It offered a safe enough space to explore concerns, anxieties, and questions related to the process and also provided concrete, evidence based information that illuminated the process. This made me feel more empowered and prepared for whatever birthing may bring. ~L, Bloomington, IN
Amy came highly recommended to me as we were preparing for our third baby. My pregnancies come with some complications, and I was worried this third time and really needed someone to listen to my fears and give me a peaceful space to process through all that. I worked with Amy before my birth to really discuss mindset and preparation. Amy is extremely loving, gentle, patient, an EXCELLENT listener, and present with you. I never felt I bothered her and she was such a joy to talk with. I highly recommend her!!! ~R & T, Bloomington, IN
Having Amy come several months postpartum after my 3rd baby was such a relief. I just... could not catch up. In my sink was a pile of dishes stacked a mile high, the whole kitchen was gross. And ALL I wanted was to take a long, hot shower without any baby screaming. She came, cleaned the whole kitchen, washed all the dishes and played with baby while I got my shower. And while she cleaned (with no judgement), she was just a lovely person to talk to and connect with! I finally felt human again! ~ Julie, Bloomington, IN
I cannot recommend Amy highly enough as a birth and postpartum doula. She arrived so quickly and was extremely calm, reassuring, and supportive when my labor suddenly started to progress very quickly. She has been an amazing and caring support to our family well beyond the fourth trimester. Her wisdom and experience are clear in every interaction. It's hard to imagine my transition into motherhood without Amy. ~Hillary, Bloomington, IN
Amy could not have been more incredible at the birth of our second son. She helped me walk through my early labor at home and was crucial to our decision about when to head to the hospital. Once there she was calm, collected, and focused even though the situation was intense. Knowing that Amy had been at hundreds of births helped my partner and I feel confident that we could have the birth we wanted. ~Lindsay, Bloomington, IN
Highly recommend Amy for any services regarding pregnancy, birth, and thereafter. We took childbirth education classes with her with our first, and she was our doula for our second birth. Very knowledgeable, calm, and compassionate. ~Sami, Bloomington, IN
If you are looking for a doula or a birth educator, you would be hard pressed to find someone as caring, knowledgeable and supportive as Amy. She was with us from the first trimester to far after the birth of our son, always there to lend a helping hand and put us in contact with right sources when something went wrong. Amy has a special knack for knowing the right thing to say to calm your nerves and put you at peace---to have that during labor helped lighten the whole experience. I cannot recommend Amy enough! ~Ashley, Bloomington, IN
Additional testimonials from participants in the Zoom group for those in pregnancy and early parent/motherhood: This has been such a wonderful group! Totally recommend to any new mamas—having the support from those in the same boat has made such a difference in the first few months! ~ I can't imagine having gone through my last few months of pregnancy and first few months of new motherhood without these groups! It's been great to hear from others about their experiences and get advice, and we've even been able to connect outside of the official group as well, which has been especially nice during this time of social isolation. ~ I highly recommend this group (and Amy Beck) to new moms! As soon as I started attending these group sessions, I felt a huge weight lift from my shoulders. Pregnancy and new parenthood are hard roads to walk alone in a pandemic. The support and care from this Zoom group has made all the difference. You also really can be from anywhere-don’t worry if you aren’t local to Bloomington. ~ I also definitely recommend this group!! Community is so important, especially in a new life stage, even more so during a pandemic! I was nervous to join an online group but had looked forward to meeting other new parents who I can say are now friends! Plus Amy is pretty amazing too. ~ Thank YOU for inviting and holding the space. I appreciate and support your mission to gather new moms and their babes to create connections, even more so given the isolation wounds of this time. I believe with intention, more access to community connections, and growing emotional resources, we will build better and better generations of resilient, kind people. I appreciate your group watering those sprouting seeds :)
I also want to add that while my delivery did not go the way I wanted, I want to credit Amy with empowering me to stand up for myself when it came to interacting with hospital staff. When I was admitted, the first thing someone tried to do was tell me I had to put on a hospital gown, but thanks to Amy's classes, I knew better :) I got to wear my own clothes during my stay, and that helped tremendously with my comfort level!
I highly recommend Amy's classes and know that if my husband and I ever decide to have more children, we will sign up for Amy's classes once again. ~M, Bloomington, IN
I found it most useful to have a supportive space in which to voice concerns/stressors/feelings about the laboring process and have questions answered in a non-judgmental way. I really enjoyed sharing the space with other expecting parents and receiving their support as well.
I also found it very useful to have all the facts available about different kinds of laboring (epidural/non-medicated/cesarean) and how to advocate for myself appropriately. I really enjoyed the activity in which we responded to hypothetical interventions that the medical team might suggest. I also appreciated the inclusion of my birthing partner and his needs. The foundational needs activity around laboring and postpartum was also very enlightening.
I would certainly recommend both the coping in labor and childbirth education courses to other pregnant people and birth partners. It offered a safe enough space to explore concerns, anxieties, and questions related to the process and also provided concrete, evidence based information that illuminated the process. This made me feel more empowered and prepared for whatever birthing may bring. ~L, Bloomington, IN
Amy came highly recommended to me as we were preparing for our third baby. My pregnancies come with some complications, and I was worried this third time and really needed someone to listen to my fears and give me a peaceful space to process through all that. I worked with Amy before my birth to really discuss mindset and preparation. Amy is extremely loving, gentle, patient, an EXCELLENT listener, and present with you. I never felt I bothered her and she was such a joy to talk with. I highly recommend her!!! ~R & T, Bloomington, IN
Having Amy come several months postpartum after my 3rd baby was such a relief. I just... could not catch up. In my sink was a pile of dishes stacked a mile high, the whole kitchen was gross. And ALL I wanted was to take a long, hot shower without any baby screaming. She came, cleaned the whole kitchen, washed all the dishes and played with baby while I got my shower. And while she cleaned (with no judgement), she was just a lovely person to talk to and connect with! I finally felt human again! ~ Julie, Bloomington, IN
I cannot recommend Amy highly enough as a birth and postpartum doula. She arrived so quickly and was extremely calm, reassuring, and supportive when my labor suddenly started to progress very quickly. She has been an amazing and caring support to our family well beyond the fourth trimester. Her wisdom and experience are clear in every interaction. It's hard to imagine my transition into motherhood without Amy. ~Hillary, Bloomington, IN
Amy could not have been more incredible at the birth of our second son. She helped me walk through my early labor at home and was crucial to our decision about when to head to the hospital. Once there she was calm, collected, and focused even though the situation was intense. Knowing that Amy had been at hundreds of births helped my partner and I feel confident that we could have the birth we wanted. ~Lindsay, Bloomington, IN
Highly recommend Amy for any services regarding pregnancy, birth, and thereafter. We took childbirth education classes with her with our first, and she was our doula for our second birth. Very knowledgeable, calm, and compassionate. ~Sami, Bloomington, IN
If you are looking for a doula or a birth educator, you would be hard pressed to find someone as caring, knowledgeable and supportive as Amy. She was with us from the first trimester to far after the birth of our son, always there to lend a helping hand and put us in contact with right sources when something went wrong. Amy has a special knack for knowing the right thing to say to calm your nerves and put you at peace---to have that during labor helped lighten the whole experience. I cannot recommend Amy enough! ~Ashley, Bloomington, IN
Additional testimonials from participants in the Zoom group for those in pregnancy and early parent/motherhood: This has been such a wonderful group! Totally recommend to any new mamas—having the support from those in the same boat has made such a difference in the first few months! ~ I can't imagine having gone through my last few months of pregnancy and first few months of new motherhood without these groups! It's been great to hear from others about their experiences and get advice, and we've even been able to connect outside of the official group as well, which has been especially nice during this time of social isolation. ~ I highly recommend this group (and Amy Beck) to new moms! As soon as I started attending these group sessions, I felt a huge weight lift from my shoulders. Pregnancy and new parenthood are hard roads to walk alone in a pandemic. The support and care from this Zoom group has made all the difference. You also really can be from anywhere-don’t worry if you aren’t local to Bloomington. ~ I also definitely recommend this group!! Community is so important, especially in a new life stage, even more so during a pandemic! I was nervous to join an online group but had looked forward to meeting other new parents who I can say are now friends! Plus Amy is pretty amazing too. ~ Thank YOU for inviting and holding the space. I appreciate and support your mission to gather new moms and their babes to create connections, even more so given the isolation wounds of this time. I believe with intention, more access to community connections, and growing emotional resources, we will build better and better generations of resilient, kind people. I appreciate your group watering those sprouting seeds :)
It was so helpful to have you play with my baby. I was so tired and it felt like I was just getting by. You came in with fresh energy and could give him time and attention while I re-grouped. I also remember that before you left, you made sure I had everything I needed. ~new parent, Bloomington, IN
My postpartum visit with Amy was what I needed at the time. We chatted about my breastfeeding struggles and then I showered while Amy held the baby and read a book to my 3 year old. She also cut up a bunch of fruit so my family could enjoy fruit salad for a couple days. If I'm being honest, Amy's postpartum visit was a much needed break from the monotony of postpartum routine and exhaustion. We have family close by, but still would have jumped to have a trusted friend come into our home to help for that price and relieve some of the burden from family. ~new mother, Bloomington, IN
Thank you for all of your support over the last few months. Seriously, I can’t imagine what it would be like if we had not had you as doula and if you had not opened up the Zoom and in-person groups. I feel like because of these groups, we’ll be in as good of a place as we can be in going in to winter when I know we’ll be completely isolated again. Thank you thank you! ~A, Bloomington, IN
Recent (September 2020) testimonials from Zoom Support Groups: "You are so generous with your time! Thank you so much, Amy. You are a gem." "Thank you SO much for using your own time to create and facilitate this really has been so helpful in my transition to parenthood, and I know for others as well." "Thank you for giving so much of yourself to the group. We love and appreciate you." "Thank you so much for everything you've built with us!" "I’ve really appreciated all your work towards helping facilitate introductions, processing the beginning of motherhood, and leading these groups!!"
As a 2017 alum, I whole-heartedly recommend this group (Renewal Group). Amy Beck is a skilled facilitator and the guided questions helped me “right the ship” after the storms of parenting a young spirited kiddo left our family out of balance. Forming lasting connections with other moms outside of my immediate circle was an unexpected and amazing bonus.
~Jean, Bloomington, IN
~Jean, Bloomington, IN

Less than two months before the birth of our second daughter, my husband and I decided that for me to have the kind of labor I envisioned, we needed support. With a list of doulas in hand, I skeptically began making phone calls, knowing that at that late date and with a less-than-desirable due date – Dec. 26 – we might not be able to find someone who could work with us. So I was surprised and thrilled not only when Amy called me back, but also at how excited she was to work with us. Although she arranged patchwork coverage during the 2-3 week window around my due date, she was the one who was in town the morning my water broke. Her calm voice, full of anticipation, supported me over the phone while I waited for (and tried to induce) contractions to begin. Her steady hand and pleasant conversation carried me through the halls of Bloomington hospital for much of active labor. Her light massage on my head and back lessened the pain of strong contractions and gently showed my husband concrete ways to physically support me. Her ability to transfer the primary support function from herself to my husband was masterful and made him feel competent as my partner and as a father. Her calm, but firm, reminders about relaxing, even during intense contractions that were artificially induced, gave me the power to labor without medical pain relief. And her knowledge about labor led her to know when I was ready to push, getting the midwife immediately, and thereby not requiring me to labor through any more contractions that necessary. Amy is woven into my daughter’s birth story. Her support and knowledge allowed my first act of motherhood with my daughter to be one in which I felt loved, competent, powerful, and peaceful. There is no better gift to give a family and a new baby.
~ Rachael, Bloomington, IN
~ Rachael, Bloomington, IN

Amy was recommended to us by a friend who knew that we wanted an LGBT friendly Doula. After interviewing a few Doulas, Amy's fabulous sense of humor and pervading sense of calm made her the obvious choice. The conversations we had during our pre-labor visits were incredibly useful for helping us think through the decisions that mattered and uncovering concerns we didn't even realize we had! When it came to the delivery, our labor was a bit longer than expected (desired?) but Amy was patient, compassionate, and positive throughout the process. Amy is an incredibly encouraging person, an excellent listener, and very attentive. She was an amazing presence for both me and my partner during the birth of our first child. If I had to do it all again we would choose Amy as our Doula the second time around in a heartbeat!!
-Amy, Bloomington, IN
-Amy, Bloomington, IN
We are so thrilled that Amy was able to be our doula for the birth of our daughter. She met with us several times at our house to go over our thoughts, concerns, plans and answered any questions we had. When I went past my due date, she came to our doctor's appointment, and from there we went to the hospital. My labor was very long, and she was there the whole time to support me and my husband. She made us feel confident in our decisions and that everything that was happening was "normal". Her presence is very comforting and encouraging! She is so knowledgable and was able to ask the doctors and nurses questions that we had not thought to ask. She even snapped some photos with our camera that we will cherish forever! Five stars!
-Erin, Bloomington, IN
-Erin, Bloomington, IN
After finding out I was pregnant My husband and I decided we wanted a non-medicated, natural birth at the hospital. I talked with a few friends who had experienced natural childbirth and I felt it would be beneficial to hire a doula. Amy was our childbirth educator at Bloomington Area Birth Services and my husband and I decided to meet with her to discuss being our doula. I knew I wanted to try for a non-medicated birth, but having never experienced childbirth I did not know how I would feel at that moment! Amy was reassuring that she would educate us of our options and we would make the decisions. We felt very comfortable with her. I was getting more excited as my due date drew near! I ended up going into early labor. I called Amy in the middle of the night in active labor and on the way to the hospital. My labor was fast and Amy got there a few minutes after we arrived. I was worried about my daughter being early, but Amy was so calm and helped me concentrate and breathe during each contraction. I was amazed at how intuitive of my needs she was. My daughter’s birth was such a powerful and positive experience and I am so happy that Amy was there to provide her knowledge, comfort and support.
~Chase, Bloomington, IN
~Chase, Bloomington, IN
I knew I wanted to have a natural/drug-free birth from the start. I read books, attended lectures, practiced yoga to get mentally prepared. However, I still felt scared of the unknown and was met with many negative comments regarding my choice of a drug-free birth from family, friends, co-works, etc. That's when I decided to look for a Doula. Amy was recommended by two sets of friends with high praise for her work and support. I interviewed with Amy at BABS and knew immediately that she was perfect for the job. She is nurturing, attentive, knowledgable and relaxed about the birthing process. A bonus for me was also that she has done it herself, twice!! Our pre-labor meetings were informative, and I feel they prepared me with comfort measures my husband and I used during active labor. She took the time to get to know us, understand our birth plan, prepare us for many "unknowns," and overall made sure she was on the same page with our expectations. My husband wanted to make sure he was still the main labor "coach," a concern I think many husbands have when inviting a extra person in the room with you. Amy was excellent at nurturing both myself and my husband during his time of need and empowering him to support me through the "rough" spots. We both feel the support Amy provided during our labor was a major contributor to our success. I had an overall amazing birth experience and would recommend Amy to any family looking for non-intrusive guidance, support, knowledge of the labor process, encouragement and excitement for natural drug-free labor!
~Colleen, Bloomington, IN
~Colleen, Bloomington, IN

Amy, we all hope for easy pregnancies topped off by exactly the labor and birth we imagine for ourselves and our babies. Well, labor didn't go as planned and delivery definitely didn't go as planned. It's amazing, I guess, that I still feel like our 'birth experience' was everything that I had hoped! You were calm and strong. You were involved, but never intrusive. You were kind and never judgmental. With your coaching, my husband was able to be the partner he wanted to be, and when things went topsy-turvy, you were an advocate for me and you were a pillar for him. Thank you!
~Katie, Bloomington, IN
~Katie, Bloomington, IN

When it was time to have our third baby, we discovered that our regular doula would be out of town on and around our due date. When I spoke with her about a back-up, I said I had met a doula recently at abirth story forum of whom I had a great impression, and I'd find out her name. Turned out, it was Amy Beck, and when I told our doula that, she laughed and said Amy was her regular back-up, and that she was just the person our doula was thinking would be right for us! So she was; my husband felt comfortable with Amy as soon as he met her, too.
As the pregnancy progressed, my husband and I started asking questions about home birth (having two hospital births under our belts already). Amy and our primary doula, Molly, were both very well informed about all the nuances of that decision, eager to help us choose the best path for us, leading us to resources and talking us through the options without ever imposing their own agendas. When we decided to go ahead and switch to a home birth (at 30 weeks!), Amy ask if she could come whether or not Molly was able to be there. By then, Amy was a friend too, and we were happy to have one more supportive, calming influence in the ring.
In fact, Molly was in town (barely) for baby Elizabeth's arrival, and Amy came too, as planned - although, through no fault of her own, she missed the actual birth (as did the midwife's assistant!). Elizabeth flew out more quickly than any of us could have imagined. Amy snuck in within mintes of the birth, quietly grabbed our camera, snapped a roll of pictures we positvely cherish, and slipped back out. She made herself instantly useful and knew just how to be there for us as a "second" doula.
If we have a fourth, I'm hoping she and Molly will both be in attendance again! Amy was a wonderful part of the team.
~Susan, Bloomington, IN
As the pregnancy progressed, my husband and I started asking questions about home birth (having two hospital births under our belts already). Amy and our primary doula, Molly, were both very well informed about all the nuances of that decision, eager to help us choose the best path for us, leading us to resources and talking us through the options without ever imposing their own agendas. When we decided to go ahead and switch to a home birth (at 30 weeks!), Amy ask if she could come whether or not Molly was able to be there. By then, Amy was a friend too, and we were happy to have one more supportive, calming influence in the ring.
In fact, Molly was in town (barely) for baby Elizabeth's arrival, and Amy came too, as planned - although, through no fault of her own, she missed the actual birth (as did the midwife's assistant!). Elizabeth flew out more quickly than any of us could have imagined. Amy snuck in within mintes of the birth, quietly grabbed our camera, snapped a roll of pictures we positvely cherish, and slipped back out. She made herself instantly useful and knew just how to be there for us as a "second" doula.
If we have a fourth, I'm hoping she and Molly will both be in attendance again! Amy was a wonderful part of the team.
~Susan, Bloomington, IN
The unknown can be scary, especially when it involves your whole body and a life-changing experience. I have been looking forward to being a mother for a long long time, and had been around births in my family, but no matter how much I knew or read or prepared, I still couldn't quite imagine *me* giving birth! Although a hospital birth wasn't my ideal choice, it was the avenue we took for various reasons. But I wanted to make my hospital birth as natural as possible, from the environment I created to the comfort measures used. While it's nice to have family support nearby, I didn't want them in the room for my labor and delivery, and I *knew* that the only way I would have peace of mind & the setting I really wanted to create in the hospital was to hire a doula. After having Amy as a childbirth education teacher, my husband and I both felt comfortable with Amy, and we knew her personality would be a perfect fit for us & our labor experience. Amy has that wonderful ability to be incredibly responsive to your needs without ever being overbearing or in the way. She is extremely knowledgeable and has lots of resources to "pull out of her bag" if needed, but she is also masterful at helping *you* discover what *you* want & need. She really took time to know us, in our home, during our pre-birth visits. When the big day came, she came to our home & supported both me & my husband where I labored as long as possible before going to the hospital. At the hospital, she was there every step of the way, providing hands-on support when needed (I had painful back labor and needed lots of lower-back counter-pressure!). It was a comfort to me & my husband to have someone in the room who was there just for us; someone who was knowledgeable & supportive of our birth plan and who was a calming presence in the midst of the unknown. I plan to have another birth in the future, and even though it won't be quite as unknown as the first time, I hope to hire Amy again! I have the continued pleasure of keeping in touch with Amy, and I feel so proud for her to see my healthy baby boy as he grows, because she was a very important part of his birth experience!
~Jill, Bloomington, IN
~Jill, Bloomington, IN

Being a Birth Doula myself, my husband and I knew right off the bat that we wanted to find the perfect Doula for our first birth. I knew Amy as a fellow Doula and had heard from some other families what type of a Doula she was and instantly made the decision to go with her. My husband wanted a Doula to be with us because he wanted someone there who had experience in emotional support. We had a natural birth at home in a birth pool. I wanted a Doula for the same reason. My labor was very fast, 3.5 hours, so I was already pushing when Amy got there about 15 min. after my husband called her. I was very frantic because I didn't know how far along I was and Amy was my "calm in the storm". Even though my husband and I were frantic, she spoke to me in a calming voice and was so reassuring! She had a great way of rewording my worries so they didn't seem so big, instead of "that was a painful contraction", she would say "it was a strong contraction and you are doing it exactly right". It was exactly what I needed to hear over and over again. She had great pre-labor visits and postpartum support by phone, email, and visits. We plan on having Amy as our birth Doula for our future births! I recommend Amy because she is supportive, understanding, down to earth, and knowledgeable about all things birth. I also like the fact that she has experience with all types of labor from natural birth at home to medicated hospital births.
-Anastacia Corbit-Clarkson-Bloomington, IN.
-Anastacia Corbit-Clarkson-Bloomington, IN.
After my first birth did not go quite the way I wanted (it ended in a c-section) I knew two things about my second birth. One, I wanted a VBAC and two, I wanted a doula. Amy was recommended to me by the local birthing services as a doula that had the experience to support me through what may be a long and difficult birth. Upon first meeting Amy I noticed that she is warm, caring, and very knowledgeable. I quickly picked her to be my doula and I am forever grateful that I did. My pregnancy stretched past the 40 week due date and Amy was in contact with me every few days checking to make sure I was feeling okay. More importantly she was supporting me in my decision not to schedule a c-section like my doctor was suggesting. When the day finally arrived Amy was an invaluable source of comfort and support to both myself and my husband. My labor lasted 22 hours and Amy was there the entire time. She helped motivate me when I did not think that I could go on. Her words of encouragement helped me get through what was a long and difficult labor. My husband and I both feel as though if Amy had not been there we would have given up on the desire of a VBAC. I am very grateful for Amy and would recommend her as a doula to anyone!
-Amanda, Bloomington, IN
-Amanda, Bloomington, IN