Before you go any further, take a deep breath...and exhale. Take another one, this time letting your breath work feel more relaxed, slower....and exhale, feeling the air leave your body, your shoulders drop, your mouth relaxed.
What was that about pressure?
Oh, right...pressure to "do it right".
I've got to tell you; you must come to a balanced place where you're not experiencing stress with EVERY. SINGLE. DECISION. Yes, try to eat well, stay hydrated, rest often, move your body. But I encourage you to take a step back from feeling like you must have this perfect pregnancy, where all you snack on is fresh veggies, practice yoga twice daily, and send only loving thoughts to your little one. Because yes, it's good to have a positive, healthy pregnancy filled with these habbits, but you're also allowed to be human.
Because who you are pregnant is who you were the day before you found out you were expecting! You're going to be imperfect because, well, we all are!
Yes, consider how to make decisions that will grow a healthy baby and set you up for a healthy birth. Both will probably bring you to a place that feels really good, particularly when you're just starting out! But women can make the healthiest choices and for whatever reason, wind up with a birth that didn't unfold as expected. And women can have really unhealthy habits during pregnancy and have a straightforward, healthy birth.
What I'm trying to say is, do what you can to have a healthy pregnancy, but don't feel overwhelmed or pressured in trying to make the perfect choice, all the time. Take time to rub your belly, talk with other expectant moms, eat yummy food, rest your body and stretch your tired muscles. Do all the things that bring you joy and comfort.
Try to be in the moment and be gentle with your expectations of yourself.
No pressure, really.