Here's the thing- who you are on December 31 is the same YOU on January 3, whether or not you've managed to keep your resolultions (whatever that means for you). Are you compassionate with yourself and your progress, seeing the bigger picture? Do you recognize your innate beauty and character first, seeing your daily challenges as part of your journey?
You know yourself and your needs best; if setting goals that are very black and white (i.e., I ran 30 minutes today or I didn't run 30 minutes today), then do what works for you. Perhaps reframing your goals in terms of why (i.e., I want to exercise my body so I have more energy) will help you keep focus on what you're doing to meet those goals (i.e., I didn't run 30 minutes, but I played with my child at the park and walked around the museum for an hour).
You might also be kind to yourself when you have a week filled with sickness, snow days, and work deadlines. That doesn't mean that you have to "give up" but you might show yourself the same understanding as you would a friend.
One thing I like to do in my family is reframe our resolutions; instead of thinking about the clichéd goals that are set year after year, we think about what it is we want to learn, do, or experience. One year my resolution was baking and decorating a multi-layered cake. This year my resolution is to go camping at least 6 times.
Be kind with yourself, see the big picture and have fun with your resolutions! May your journey through 2017 be one filled with compassion and curiousity. Peace!