Other days you'll feel like you're just getting by...barely. Your meals have been the leftovers from her plate, you're wearing the same pants from yesterday (okay, the day before yesterday), and you're pretty sure the only water you've had to drink has been water steeped with coffee grounds.
This is completely NORMAL.
It's normal to have these amazing days where you love being a parent and you'll have days where you feel less than capable. But know that this is normal and part of the journey!
How you feel about parenting changes, too, throughout the years. Heck, it changes throughout the seconds (who am I kidding?!). You may find that responding to your infant's needs comes naturally and easy. Or maybe your toddler is adorable and funny and you're absolutely in love with him. Your preschooler is curious and chatty and THIS is the best. Wait, your new kindergartener is growing into this truly awesome kid and you can't imagine anyone better with whom to share bedtime snuggles.
OR...why is your baby crying again? What does she need?! How can your eighteen month old be throwing a tantrum because you said "no, you can't eat that rock!"? Isn't it TERRIBLE TWOs?! Oh, wait, preschoolers...THREENAGER!!! How can this "big kid" suddenly be so challenging?! Kindergarten...who knew there could be such BIG emotions!?
Don't let one really hard day dictate how you feel about yourself as a parent. Take it as a sign that someone's needs aren't being met, everyone is human and has valid feelings, life is full of ups and downs. Then brush yourself off, take a deep breath, work to have your needs met, and process or change what you need in order to move on.
It's cliche, I know, but without the rain, you wouldn't have the rainbows. Without the downs, you wouldn't have the ups. Without all the chocolate, you wouldn't have, um, deliciousness?
Celebrate the joys and be confident that the challenges will not be forever.